The ABALONE MUSHROOM grown in my house!
My dad gave me 12 units of abalone mushroom plant last month. The plants grows in plastic bottles (shaped like bottles) with fillings that has been fermented inside. To my surprise, it finally bear fruit! The texture is just as nice as those sell outside the market. The first ABALONE MUSHROOM has been coming out, i am awaiting for the rest to come out. I am so excited, i can farm mushroom in my house, despite the current hot and sunny weather.
Supposingly, the mushroom should have grown out in the past few weeks time, but, unfortunately nothing appear after such a long waiting time, it flashes my mind to dispose off the plant, as my dad's plant has been bearing fruit! Mine, still nothing came out! I just let it stay still for another 1-2 weeks before i decide on disposing it off, but, they gave me a surprise!