Since last weekend i saw Jeanne loves her carrier so much, so, i put her into her sister's car seat when we went back Ipoh last weekend as she dont have any rocker to rest at my in-laws house. She seems to love the car seat as well. I think, she like it because she can be seated comfortably in it, while enjoying the view from there. We are much more at ease while doing our own things, she just sits in staring at us, with a very curious look when we walked around passing her.
Lucky thing she didn't gives us any trouble during the journey thru and flow Ipoh. She really behaves well, better than her sister's time. She is even easier to take care compared to staying at home. I think she is just like mommy, loves to go out! She never gives us problem along the journey. I think, i can bring her out often now!Hooray!