Mini Burger Candies
Fishy Biscuits
Bubble Toy Frog
Kids nowadays are being too pampered by their parents. Not only parents pampered their own children, but grandparents also play an important role. Most of the time, grandparents are the ones who spoiled their grandchildren. Every parents love their children, and want the very best for their own children, and yes, me too are the same. I believe that lately, i lose my temper very easily, as i have to cope with my after birth trauma, and yet, taking care of both girls.
No doubt that they are still young, need to be taught and brought up in a good manner. As you are aware, Carmen falls sick, i need to pamper her more than usual, and spare her with something that she wants, in order to keep her mouth shut, by not making her to cry, or at least to a minimal, because crying child tends to accumulates wind in their stomach, makes vomit easily. I have to spared her with some new toy and candies.